Cyndi's paintings are a visual journal that reflect a sense of place, mirroring her engagement with her immediate domestic and suburban environment. The process has been extended to include vignettes from recent travels. The images reflect fragmented glimpses of scenes moving through the urban landscape.
My paintings are a visual journal that reflect a sense of place, mirroring my engagement with my immediate domestic and suburban environment. I have extended this process to include vignettes from my recent travels. My images reflect fragmented glimpses of scenes as I move through the urban landscape, attracted to unique details, which tell me a story of that place.
I have used mixed media incorporating photographic collage within my painting. This technique creates ambiguity in the mind of the viewer compelling further investigation. Each canvas represents an aspect of my existential journey, a meditation on the microcosm. I have chosen to work in a small format that echoes the paradigm of the snapshot; views though open windows, reflections in shop windows and fragmented images.

Cyndi Freiman
Master of Art, College of Fine Art, Darlinghurst.
Bachelor of Fine Art, National Art School, Darlinghurst.
Studied painting at Waverley Woollahra Art School with Juliet Holmes-a-Court; Taught art to children at Bondi Pavilion Community Centre.
Wrote, published and marketed 10 self-help books including the bestselling title There is a Lipstick in my Briefcase; did professional public speaking on the topics of marketing and creativity.
Developed a business designing, manufacturing and marketing creative activity toys, which were sold in all major supermarkets and toy shops in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.
Taught art to children in Cape Town, South Africa, Studied painting with Professor Alfred Krenz and textile design at Michaelis Art School.
Studied for a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Art History and Psychology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, followed by a Diploma in High School Education specialising in teaching of Art, History and Counselling.