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Erez Ben-Or: Meet the Artists


This project is the result of a continuing exploration of concerns that include the depiction of time and movement and the figure as a formal compliment to space. These photographs however are different in their organisation than in previous series. As the figure dodges and weaves playfully through the space it becomes infused in the environment. Often the figure is visibly absent however clues remain; footprints in dust, litter and furniture that suggest otherwise.

Erez Ben-Or: Text
Erez Ben-Or: Pro Gallery


A continued exploration of masculine identity underpins this series work. I am also interested in context, particularly in how interior space can reflex a psychological state and therefore change the intent and meaning of an image. Throughout this process the work of Francesca Woodman and her figures subsumed by the environment continued to provide an influential frame work. The figure in this series of photographs is dismembered, human yet still animal. The body parts are negotiating an uncompromising space, a labyrinth that exists in your dreamlike state. A use of light and colour is essential in enhancing the mood and potency of these images. The overall exploration of mono tonality is used to further enhance the nightmare

Erez Ben-Or: Text
Erez Ben-Or: Pro Gallery


Street life occupies another world, another realm of experience, night to our daytime, a furtive shadow city where different rules and ethics apply...." The work for this series is part of an ongoing exploration of ideas that include psychological states, masculinity, space, time and conversations with myself. I am particularly interested in examing how masculinity is defined by the spaces we inhabit, momentarily or otherwise. Lighting is used to highlight a space that may take on a different meaning or purpose once abandoned and darkened. *Tony Kushner in his introduction to The Waterfront Journals by David Wojnarowicz.

Erez Ben-Or: Text
Erez Ben-Or: Pro Gallery


Erez Ben-Or

Honours of Fine Art / National Art School , Sydney, NSW. 2007

Bachelor of Fine Art / National Art School , Sydney, NSW. 2003-6

Diploma of Fine Art / Vitzo French, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1990



Exhibition Meld Gallery, Crows Nest

The Lovers, Firstdraft 2008

Honours Show, National Art School, Sydney 2007

Willoughby Art Prize, Sydney 2007

Olive Cotton Award - finalist, Murwillumbah, NSW 2007

Head On Portrait Prize, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney 2007

Degree Show, National Art School, Sydney 2006

Stairwell Gallery, National Art School, Sydney 2006

MCQ International Student Award - finalist, Sydney 2006

Olive Cotton Award - finalist, Murwillumbah, NSW 2006



Willoughby Art Prize, First Prize Photography and Digital Media 2007

NAVA Award, National Art School, Sydney 2006

Kayell Photography Prize, National Art School, Sydney 2006


Work History

Business owner / EBO Design, Sydney 2003-7

Senior Web Designer, Aspect Computing, Sydney 1998

Art Director, Globes, Tel-Aviv 1996

Graphic Designer Neographic Interactive Communication, New York

Erez Ben-Or: Text

©2020 by meld gallery.

Contemporary Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia
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